23 December 2010

Getting worse

Yep, things are getting worse here, for this HyperCog in particular!
More and more ideas are coming, my mind is getting more active by the hour...and, quite often, these ideas and thoughts become something like "obsessions", which become something like "projects", which quite often, since I'm a web addict, become blogs, or anything similar to that.

That means, basically, that, right now, I have around 15 to 20 blogs running at the same time...of course, since ideas come quite often, and they are so differente from each other, I don't have much time to update those blogs, and other projects. Really hope that will be different with this blog here.

Why are things like that?! Well, usually I come up with a new topic, or subject, that I wanna discuss, talk about, etc. And, what a better way to do that nowadays than with a blog, right?! Then, since they are so many, I can't update them so often, and still carry on with my "real life". But, since I've put quite some effort into creating them, writing for them, etc., then I have no courage to delete them. And, since ideas come so often, I can't delete them, and save their content elsewhere, because I'd most probably forget where Id saved them, or forget they exist, etc.

Anyway...I need to find a way, ASAP, to become more systematic, organized...find a method, a plan!!! Yep, that's it...gotta come up with a plan to systemathize it all (does this word exist, systemathize?!)...whatever! Let's keep moving forward...

HyperCognitive is live!

HyperCognitive comes to this world with the sole objective of trying to relieve a bit of my restless mind (a mind that makes its user too exhausted) of a disturbed being that calls himself "The HyperCognitive", or in short, HyperCog!

But, "what the heck is a hypercognitive?!, you might be wondering! Well, 'hyper' means 'high, above normal, excessive, beyond...', and 'cognitive' means 'mental process of knowing, thoughts, perception, judging, association, etc.'. Therefore, hypercognitive is the one who thinks too much, excessively, beyond normal...meaning, someone at the edge of madness for way too much thinking, because this someone has no control over his/her mental activity, cannot limit it.

Once, I read part of a letter from renowned Portuguese writer/poet Fernando Pessoa to a friend of his, where he stated that his mind and his thoughts were like a mad beehive in his head, out of control, that drove him crazy. And that's exactly the way I feel, exactly the way I am.

So, you may expect amolst anything on this blog, which I have created to let everything in my mind out! Almost anything goes in here...for specific, more serious subjects, I have other blogs, which will remain anonymous here (I hope...lol)!

Welcome to my madness!