05 September 2011

Mind confusion and organization

One of the greatest problemas faced by the HyperCog, and alike, is the task of organizing and systematizing content, things, etc. Sometimes, it may be a real Herculean effort for some of us, specially due to the fact that it is plain too hard for hypercogs to look at a given thing/subject from a single point of view.

HyperCogs have a tendency to look at things from several points of view AT THE SAME TIME, which may bring with it a real problem when trying to organize things. We have a hard time choosing a starting point from which to begin an organization process. Then, we also start thinking about future needs that may affect any organization method we may end up choosing.

Take the task of organizing books, for instance. We may choose to organize our books by title. But, some day we may need to find an author, and would have to browse by the titles in order to find that specific author. If we organize the books by author, and forget who wrote that specific book, then we would have to browse through all the books again, to find that specific one. Organizing by genre would pose the same problems, even more, due to the fact that not all books fall under a single category: take books like "Island", by Aldous Huxley, for instance, which may be considered to be a fiction, a phylosophical book, etc.

Just now, I was trying to organize all of my bookmarks in one of the web browser I use. Needless to say I wasn't able to go far, specially because most browsers only allow a bookmark to be saved under a single category/folder or subcategory/subfolder. For cases like "Multiply", a website that used to be just a social network, but that now is a social network site with blogging, media, and other capabilities, it was simply impossible to me to place it under a specific category.

The same thing happens when we are trying to organize our thoughts. We start thinking about one thing and, out of a sudden, multiple ramifications come up from that original thought, each and every one calling for immediate attention, each and every one looking as important as the other.

HyperCogs find it impossible to see things in black or white...we see everything in tons of shades of grey. Nothing is too simple to be categorized as one simple thing. Take capital punishment, for example. Is it right, or is it just wrong?! We don't know, for we will analyze the matter from so many points of view that will become impossible for us to make up our minds. We will look at it under the social prism, under the religious one, the legal, the logical, the biological, and so on. Each point of view leading us to a different conclusion, most of the times conclusions that exclude one another.

This text, too, is beginning to become confusing, for the process to write it is quite complex: insight > original thought > organize original thought > translate thoughts into words > organize words into writing > remember all the ramifications of thought that came up during any of the previous steps > etc.

So, I'm stopping right now, before I become too confusing or boring.

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